Shonan Junai Gumi In episode 7 of the Shonan Junai Gumi series, Eikichi's class has an apathetic teacher, Mr Inoue, who tries to give Eikichi some life advice and stands up for his students at the end, punching the principal for suspending Katsuyuki Was he based on any character in the original manga, or in GTO? GTO 14 Days in Shonan, Volume 3 By Toru Fujisawa After a tiring and eventful school year Onizuka takes a break from the classroom and for his school break he decides escape the pressures of work by heading back home to the lazy surfers village of Shonan SUMMARY GTO Shonan 14 Days is a side story that takes place in the timeline of the original story of Great Teacher Onizuka Onizuka leaves school over a misunderstanding and lays low in his hometown of Shonan There he runs into a colleague's acquaintance and helps out at a home for wayward kids
Gto 14 Days In Shonan Volume 7 By Toru Fujisawa Penguinrandomhouse Com Books